eMT Cluster - metaplatform & metaplatform admin
Ten06 participates in thw Texhnology and Innovation Cluster named eMTCluster (www.emtcluster.gr) as a member company. The project was funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development. Within the scope of the project, Ten06 cooperated with the rest of the cluster members and more closely with FM Epixirin, in order to develop an interoperability mechanism, named metaplatform. The metaplatform facilitates small and medium sized companies of different domains to become familiar with digital transformation and in practice to let them exploit the benefits of digital interaction between different applications and thus:
- Reduce the cost from non-productive processes
- Offer to the clientele an easier method to access
- Reduce the errors occurred from re-entries of the same data in different applications from one enterprise stage to another
- Reduce the need for specialists and human resources
- Enjoy faster and richer information that leads to accurate and on time decision making
The administration module that was developed (metaplatform admin) allows the establishment of a new metaplatform for an enterprise. The metaplatform admin is managed by technical personnel requiring minimum technical skills.
The purpose of the metaplatform admin is to allow faster creation of a new metaplatform operating environment.
The metaplatform admin covers a pivotal part of digital transformation, whereas it covers the need of an enterprise to have its present and future applications to interoperate. In such a need, new APIs need to be developed and technical effort is required to make those APIs communicate to each other. The metaplatform admin has been developed following the concept of the metaplatform and covers specific parts of the supply chain of an enterprise: ordering from b2b customers, stock control, production process mapping, identification of costs at different production stages, connection with the ERP and third party applications. The mechanism allows the enterprise to replace parts of the metaplatform with specialized software it procures, such as CRM, OMS, WMS at any point in the future.
Ten06 emphasizes in interoperability. In parallel to the metaplatform admin, Ten06 developed a similar mechanism in the area of travel technology interconnecting different source APIs, complementary services (such as travel insurance, SMS alerts, connection to the accounting system etc) which allows easier and faster development of booking engines.
The use of such tools offers critical advantages:
- Allows the development of applications faster and safer. The concept relies on the innovation of Ten06 called Business Blocks ( Ten 06 BBlocks | Ten06)
- B) reduce the need for experienced personnel that is in scarcity
- They are expandable, given that the needs of an enterprise grow dynamically and hence, new applications can be added in order to improve the digital performance of an enterprise.
For more info, TEN06 (emtcluster.gr)